+44 07961 376 784

Sandby House


Company Services

"Specialized management consultation services tailored for repair and cleaning works, optimizing processes and strategies to enhance efficiency, quality, and overall operational excellence."



"Comprehensive planning services that lay the foundation for seamless and successful project execution, ensuring your work is accomplished with precision and excellence."



"Unlocking the full potential of businesses through expertly crafted management consultation, driving transformative strategies for sustained growth and unparalleled success."

Terrain Preparation

Terrain Works

"Creating vibrant outdoor landscapes through meticulous garden work, where nature's beauty flourishes under our skilled hands."

"Ready to bring your garden dreams to life? Contact us today and let's turn your vision into a breathtaking reality."



"We provide comprehensive gas and electrical services to meet all your energy needs with utmost proficiency."

"At Teckki LTD, we offer a holistic range of services designed to elevate your business environment. Our expert management consultation service brings strategic insights and tailored solutions to the table, ensuring that your business's potential is fully realized. In addition, our repair services address any issues with precision and care, revitalizing your spaces and equipment to optimal conditions. Complementing this, our cleaning services go beyond the surface, creating a sanitized and welcoming atmosphere for both employees and clients. With a focus on efficiency, quality, and operational excellence, we are your partner in achieving a seamlessly managed, well-maintained, and thriving workspace."

"Restoring pristine conditions and functionality through our top-notch repair and cleaning services, ensuring your spaces shine with renewed brilliance."